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Explore the fastest growing expert database

We have built Pressflow for free, to give media a space where they can easily find their next expert source. Simply post your request on our platform and our experts will be in touch.

Find sources

Hear back from only relevant experts and build connections for your future articles, podcasts or media appearances. â€‹

User vetting 

We endeavour to ensure all our experts are vetted and able to provide high quality content for your requests.

Supporting quick turnaround pitches

With our keyword alert features, we are able to notify our users in seconds of your request coming through so they can respond immidiatelly.

Super- fast growing database

We are onboarding all of our experts for free- because we believe you should have access to everyone, regardless of them being able to pay high PR fees. It's why our database is the fastest growing one globally.

Who we support

We endeavour to support all media outlets, from print, online, podcasts to media appearances and public speaking based event organisers.


Print & Online Media

Writing a deadline piece for your next feature? We've got you, simply post a journalist request and get responses back from our vetted experts.


Podcasters & Creators

Looking for a guest for your next podcast? Our experts would love to hear from you. Post your request and pick and choose from all your guest pitches.


Media Appearances & Public Speaking

We know that finding the right expert for your conference or event is not always an easy feet. This is why we endeavour to work with top talent, who will be happy to respond to your request.

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